Bee’s Knees Week is not only a celebration of the Bee’s Knees cocktail but an opportunity to spotlight the importance of bees in our food and drink system. We are working to help save the bees. During this week, the Breckenridge Distillery is one of 350 bars and restaurants participating in Bee’s Knees Week and you can help support. The week of Aug. 17-24, we will be donating 100% of all proceeds from our three Save the Bees cocktails (make them at home, see recipes below) to the People & Pollinators Action Network of Colorado.
Save the Bees: Without bees, our agricultural system would completely change. Coffee, avocado, potato, and many more fruits, vegetables, and nuts would not be pollinated and wouldn’t grow. Most of the challenges for the health of pollinators also affects people, and in fact, the potential decline of pollinators has direct consequences for human survival as well.
The Bee’s Knees Cocktail: This cocktail is from the Prohibition Era. The term “Bee’s Knees” was slang for ‘the best’. Back then, the addition of honey and citrus was used to mask the taste and smell of bathtub gin.
Bee Happy
1-1/2oz Breckenridge Pear Vodka
3/4oz honey simple
6 slices of peaches
7 healthy mint leaves
Top with sparkling water
Garnish: mint sprig and freeze-dried Manuka Honey