“High quality, well crafted, but still easy going,” design and event stylist Courtney Cyr said as she drew a comparison between the state of Colorado and the Breckenridge Distillery’s Reserve Blend.“For this shoot, I really wanted to convey a different side of Colorado. Instead of highlighting our gorgeous mountains, I wanted to instead focus on the beautiful plains that I feel are so often looked over. Breckenridge Whiskey was the perfect way to tie everything together – an edgy couple, an unconventional location, and some whiskey to keep everybody warm.”
We agree, the photos look incredible and like nothing we’ve seen before. Cheers to Courtney and the DelCastros for showing us a side of Colorado we so very rarely capture. See more from this styled shoot here.
Planner/Design: Courtney Cyr Design | Photographer: The DelCastros | Breckenridge Reserve Blend: Wilbur’s Fort Collins | Written by Grace George
The Breckenridge Distillery recently expanded, now offering unique venue space for weddings, conferences, receptions, and much more. Stop in and check out our new private event spaces for your next group get together! For questions and bookings, contact Michael Neff at events@breckdistillery.com.